
Welcome to the webpage for the EPSRC Network for Engineering Porous Materials at Multiple Scales (EPoMM).

Our EPSRC network aims to make the UK a beacon for multiscale porous materials research, where we will form new collaborations, find new research directions, and provide routes for dissemination.

See upcoming events

Upcoming Conferences

Online Workshop: Interface between Academia and Industry in Porous Materials

Join us at our free online interactive and participatory workshop as we bring together research communities that work across different length scales who have not traditionally interacted through existing fora to generate new ideas about Interface between Academia & Industry in Porous Materials. Registration is now closed!

Check it out December 5

Past Events

Bath hosts the 1st Conference on Engineering Porous Materials at Multiple Scales (EPoMM)

The 1st Conference on Engineering Porous Materials at Multiple Scales (EPoMM) took place on September 18th-19th, 2024, at the University of Bath, bringing together over 70 researchers from around the world to present their innovative work in the field of porous materials with over 50 oral and poster presentations!

Check it out September 18th-19th, 2024
About Us

The research area of porous materials is extremely diverse, including inorganic materials, organic polymers, synthetic frameworks, biological tissues and composite systems. The variety of applications is equally wide ranging, including renewable energy, separation processes, carbon capture, catalysis, water purification, electronic materials and medicine. Our EPSRC network aims to make the UK a beacon for multiscale porous materials research, where we will form new collaborations, find new research directions, and provide routes for dissemination.

Check out the steering board
Our Project

The field of porous materials is extremely diverse in terms of materials, the nature of the porosity, and their applications.

Our EPoMM network aims to foster multiscale and applications-led collaboration between scientists and engineers that spans the entire engineering and physical sciences portfolio. These collaborations will inspire new research directions and new applications to achieve globally significant outcomes with academic, commercial and societal benefits.

Multidisciplinary collaboration is at the heart of what we do and by the end of the grant, we will have created a self-sustaining network of porous media experts. We’ll be able to work collaboratively to respond to industry needs, provide dissemination and horizon scanning for new and emerging applications.


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Don’t miss out on your chance to join a community of curious minds and stay ahead of the curve. Simply drop your email below and embark on a journey of discovery with us!
